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Preparation For Exam..

This tips Helps in your School & College Exam.
Preparation Program

If you follow these tips definitely you will notice improvement in your  Marks.

Please Read Further for More Tips...


  1. While Start writing you answer paper one should choose such question in which he/she will be most confident. Your first 3 answers must be totally accurate without any cutting etc.​

  2. It has been seen that most of the students start their paper with question no. 1 or with the last question. This is most harsh crime while attempting in your exams.​

  3. Never go to exam room on the basis of cheating. It’s a fact that in 90% of the cases strict teachers will come if you go with cheating purpose.​

  4. Drink water as much as you can during exam time. It will reduce your tension, pressure etc. It has been observed that most of the students never drink water due to fear of going washroom.​

  5. Always start each question on new page. Sometime students attempt 2-3 questions on one page. As a result examiner only checks first question and leaves remaining questions​

  6. Don’t print newspapers on your answer sheet. Always go for “Points” instead of “paragraphs”.​

  7. Never stuck into one question for not more than 16 minutes. If you are not sure that you will success fully completes the question the leave such question at that point.​

  8. Use Ball pen instead of GEL pen. It has been prescribed by the Institute in exam guideline which is printed along with your roll no to use GEL Blue pen to write your paper.​

  9. Reach examination hall at-least half n hour before the timings so that you can be more familiar with the place.​

  10. Never try to match answers with your fellows in examination room. By doing so you can be in a confusing stage. After the exam, go straight to your home without calculating marks with your friends. It has a negative psychological effect on your mind which can affect your next paper’s preparation.

​​​After exam, at home give at-least 2 hours sleep to your mind and then go for studies for your next exam.

One-to-One Test Preparation Programs

6 Simple but Proven Study Tips

1. Study for 30 minutes at a time.

Apparently, our brain only effectively absorbs information from the first and last 15 minutes of “studying.” This means that everything in between will likely be forgotten (because they don’t quite make it into our long-term memory). So why spend hours and hours studying if only a fraction of it will actually be retained?

Solution: Study for 30 minutes at a time to minimize your studying time and maximize the effectiveness. 

2. Break. It. Up!

The whole is equal to the sum of its parts, yes, but tackling the individual parts is much easier than tackling the whole.

In other words, breaking down a big assignment into small assignments will make the task a whole lot easier, doable and manageable!

for example, instead of writing in your planner “work on research paper” on a specific day, break it up into specific (and realistic) steps/stages:


  • Monday- get sources and gather data

  • Tuesday- pick out quotes to use

  • Wednesday- summarize articles

  • Thursday- draft an outline

  • Friday- write introduction

  • Saturday- write (3) body paragraphs

  • Sunday- write conclusion


3. Set a Timer (for 30 minutes) and solely focus on a (single) task.

You know that thing (assignment) that you can’t get yourself to start? Well there’s only one solution to that: stop procrastinating and just get to it! We all know that procrastination leads to more procrastination and it comes back to bite us. So just get started! Set a timer for 30 minutes and JUST DO IT. So what if you’re only able to write one sentence? That’s still better than having nothing. 

4. Take. A. Break

Having an incentive is always a good idea (& a good incentive in and of itself). After 30 minutes of studying, treat yourself to some chocolate chip cookies or icecream. Do some yoga poses. Watch an episode of your favorite show. Take a quick, 10-minute power nap. Do whatever you have to “refuel.” However, when you’re in that 30-minute zone (see #3), DON’T do any of these things. These are meant to be rewards, not distractions.

5. Sit at a desk.

Sitting at a desk when studying is very important for two reasons.

1- Physically: sitting at a desk will ensure correct (or better) posture.

2- Psychologically- your posture will signal to your brain that you’re supposed to be studying vs. if you’re on your bed, your brain might think that it’s time for sleep, and your body usually follows directions from your brain.

6. Study with books.

Avoid the computer/laptop/tablet if possible. There are just too many distractions, even if you use site-blocking and/or productivity apps to limit your distractions. And while it’s true that nowadays you can highlight, underscore, and mark passages on e-books, there’s still something (magical) about studying with physical books that studying online just doesn’t cut. It’s kind of like that logic that looking up a word on a physical dictionary will help you remember the word better than if you were to look it up on an online dictionary. Studying with physical books adds one more level of sensation to your learning. 

Additional Tips:

  • You’re 50% more likely to remember something if you speak it out loud instead of simply reading it over and over.

  • Writing something out is the memory equivalent of reading it seven times.

  • Retention rate is 60% higher when you study your notes within one day of taking them.

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